Recently, I read about pirates who captured the American ship Maersk Alabama off the coast of Somalia. After a short battle with the pirates, the US Navy released the ship and her captain. Fighting off pirates is nothing new for US, it has been doing it for over two hundred years.
After the American Revolution of 1776, US merchant ships lost British naval protection. The American ships sailing in the Mediterranean were a favorite target for pirates. They frequently came under attack and their crews were often enslaved . These pirates came from a group of nations including Tunis, Tripoli, Morocco, Algiers, and Libya. In 1784 the American ship “Betsy” was taken by Moroccan pirates. Then in 1785, Algerians and Libyans captured the US ships Maria and the Dauphin.
Not having had a real navy, the US was unable to send ships to the Mediterranean for a rescue, so they tried to appease the pirates instead. In 1784, Congress agreed to make ransom payments to the pirates in order to buy the freedom of the enslaved US sailors.
When Jefferson became president in 1801 he argued that continuing to pay extortion money would encourage more attacks and he refused to pay the tribute of $250,000. The ruler (Pasha) of Tripoli immediately declared war on the United States.
Jefferson dispatched a squadron of ships to the Mediterranean with instructions to engage the pirates and win at all costs and seize all ships and goods belonging to them.
US Navy Lieutenant Decatur Boarding Pirate Gunboat
He asked the unknown ship to identify herself, only to receive the
Preble demanded an answer, to which the other ship replied, "This is His Britannic Majesty's ship Donegal, 84 guns, Sir Richard Strachan, an English commodore. Send your boat to us." Preble, losing his patience is said to have exclaimed, "This is United States ship Constitution, 44 guns, Edward Preble, an American commodore, who will be damned before he sends his boat on board of any vessel." He then turned to his gun crew and instructed them to "Light your matches, boys!" (calling them “boys” because his oldest officer was 20 and the youngest 15).
Fortunately, before any firing begun, a boat arrived from the other ship and a British officer came on board and apologized.
Preble finally attacked Tripoli on July 14, 1804. The attack also included packing the USS Intrepid with explosives and sneaking her into the Tripoli harbor in an attempt to destroy the pirate fleet. Unfortunately the Intrepid exploded before achieving her goal, killing her captain and crew.
After leading the charge personally (and being shot in the arm in the process), Eaton successfully captured the city and raised the US flag on top of the palace. The Pasha of Tripoli, Yussif Karamanli finally realized that he lost the war with the US and agreed to signed a treaty with them.
If you think about it, it is amazing what Jefferson was able to achieve in such as short time. He was in office for only 4 years and the US as a country had only been around for 20 years. What was the secret formula behind successfully defeating the Barbary pirates? I think that it was a combination of things.
- When it came to piracy and paying protection money, Jefferson had a strong moral stand and refused to conduct business as usual (as the Europeans had been doing for centuries).
- The officers and crew sent to fight the pirates were adventurous, creative, and brave, and they didn’t view their assignment just as another “job”.
- The American captains were not afraid to engage in battle even if the odds were against them. They where highly skilled, improvised well, and took advantage of every opportunity (even adapted pirate tactics themselves).
Very good work as always Sheva, although the subject is prone to discussion and different opinions...